So Star Husky got the todays 3rd place which is super strange imo!
Why is this strange? Because I made that game in more or less 2 days + 5ish hours of polish.
My other games took way more time and effort and never got a single trophy (although a few got frontpaged!). Maybe Iv gotten better at this with age? Or maybe Newgrounds / the web has changed? Probably a bit of both...
Either way, I have a bunch more games coming down the pipeline as I get back into this hobby. No idea how / if il try to monetize them, for now Im just trying to have fun with this again.
Quick Aside: I released a game on Steam earlier this year. Its not a great game but it still took a tonne of work and ultimately didnt make nearly enough money for it to be worth releasing another game that way. Also the kind of work involved with putting a project on Steam really killed the fun of it for me, ie wierd APIs, translations, pricing, multiple platforms, marketing etc etc
Anyways, Im pretty proud of my third place and I hope my upcoming games can make some more people happy!
PS If anyone reading this knows of a good / easy way of showing the popover graphic & sound when a user gets a Medal in HTML5 games id love to know about it.
good job man! i've always wanted one of those sweet shiny trophies, but the closest i've gotten was runner up 09. hope you make more games and get more rad trophies!